Home Container Kubernetes vs Docker | A Complete breakdown

Kubernetes vs Docker | A Complete breakdown


The container market size was estimated to be around USD 1.20 Billion in 2018 and expected it would reach around USD 4.98 billion by 2023, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 32.9% during the forecast period. With the rise in the popularity of container technology, developers surge to opt containers over virtual machines. This rise in container service is getting fierce, and it is a vast domain, which is ruled by Kubernetes and Docker.

The presence of containers does not make them identical to each other in any way. Kubernetes and Docker offer the same technology but with different ideas for creation and development.

One noticeable thing is that they are not substitutes for each other. Kubernetes has its benefits while Docker owns some unique specifications which make it stand out.

There is no explicit comparison between these two platforms as they are hugely different from each other in terms of the technical aspect. However, they are compared by technical critics to provide a clear view of it. They are compared due to the following reasons:

  1. Both are related to containerization and management of application building.
  2. Deployment management is a vital function for both platforms.

However, they both work differently on the platform having their own merits and demerits.

Let’s revisit the Docker and Kubernetes

Docker is self-sufficient as users can install and use it on different OS, leaving no impact on the system for future applications. For operations on a single server, Docker gives us almost the best platform for shaping the application through containers and make handling more convenient.

Read more about Docker here: Is Docker a real game-changer for Container Management?

On the other hand, Kubernetes is a master of auto-scaling, container management, and much more. This platform does not pass on the load balancing and scaling issues to the user, it just solves these on its own. The architecture of kubernetes is build to help the user on every level of working.

Read more about Kubernetes here: Why Kubernetes? – 11 benefits that simplifies container management

Boosting up and auto-scaling is so helpful for the user; as predefined channels help the user to identify the direction which is needed to follow for perfect execution of the application. The concept of the cluster is easily understandable and convenient for the one who is using it. Management of Kubernetes makes the working rather easy and independent of all the other aspects.

However, Docker is slightly different from the containers. It is designed on the concept of containerization.

Kubernetes vs Dockers

  1. The installation of kubernetes is in components, which is a bit lengthy and completely manual. An old way of installation. However, it’s a one-click thing when we talk about docker on the Linux platform.
  2. Kubernetes is consistent with all the bare hardware and virtual hardware systems. Though, docker keeps varying with different OS.
  3. Kubernetes supports manual up-gradation; users need to sit and modify the required zones to set the pre-existing level. On the other hand, Docker is slightly less work giving as one-click can sort it completely.
  4. Kubernetes has more attention towards the application rather than the hardware as it treats all the hardware in one monotonic way. The way Docker deals with all this is different as the editions are defined and these communities have their methodology to contact and behave.
  5. Kubernetes and Docker can work under the same hood. Kubernetes is here a leader to docker, but here information of the Command-line interface is required to situate the data separately.
  6. The size of containers bearable in Kubernetes is 300000 in total, not more than 5000 nodes. However, with Docker, the count of containers is just 30000. It is one of the principal that casts all the difference.

Usually, the news users are unable to identify the difference between the Kubernetes and Docker because of the use of both the terms in a vaguely similar context. So, here are three FAQs to clear the confusion and put things into perspective:

Is Kubernetes an alternative to Docker?

If you have read this blog till now, then one thing must have been cleared to you that Kubernetes and Docker are not fighting for the same throne but actually exist due to the same technology, i.e., containerization. The question of whether one is alternative to another is really absurd, it is like comparing apples to oranges. So, both of them aren’t an alternative to each other.

Which is better Kubernetes or docker?

There is no “better” because these aren’t equivalent things. Docker is like an airplane and Kubernetes is like an airport. You wouldn’t ask “Which should I use to travel—airport versus airplane?” So it goes with Docker and Kubernetes. You need both.

Is Kubernetes using Docker?

Kubernetes is not using Docker and vice versa. But both the platforms complement each other. If you use these together, Docker containers will help you to isolate and pack your software with all its dependencies. And Kubernetes will help you to deploy and orchestrate your containers.


Containers are astounding. They allow the user to think about the services and applications in an entirely new and digital way. Both Docker and Kubernetes are here to stay – they are constantly changing to improve themselves in the future. Regardless, they both are heavens to developers.

Implement containers that your infrastructure needs most. Designing new software for container-based operating systems will not only make your applications more scalable but future proof also. Sticking to old VMs may work now, but in a few years, you have to accept the enormous cost of moving everything to containers or abandoning your projects altogether.


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