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Cloud Service Providers Moving To Custom Hardware? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) use generic hardware to benefit from economies of scale and keep things uniform...

How Cloud Services Can Pave Way For Reducing Net Carbon Emissions

In 2019, the worldwide Cloud services market grew by 17.3% and crossed the $200 billion mark, up from $175.8 billion in 2018. A majority of...

Cloud Cost Optimization During and After COVID-19

Cloud Cost Optimization Global pandemic has slowed down everything, isn't it? But...

What Are The Different Types Of Cloud Load Balancing?

This blog discusses how load balancing in the cloud differs from a traditional network traffic distribution and explores various services available from...

7 sure shot ways to optimize AWS cost

It's a known fact that moving to Amazon Web Services (AWS) can provide huge benefits in terms of agility, responsiveness, simplified operations, and improved...


Cloud Management