Just in case, if you ever had a thought that multi-cloud is something where all your work gets executed automatically or, is equivalent to a hybrid cloud; discard that! It is not.
The following are the top 5 frequently asked questions (FAQs) you should always take into account before going multi-cloud regardless of how well you know cloud:
1. What is Multi-Cloud?
Managing a business infrastructure on one public cloud is often not enough to meet the long-term business objectives. Therefore, an alternate approach where various workloads are distributed amongst different cloud vendors (for example. Google, AWS and, Azure) and managed under the same platform, is implemented. This dynamic perspective Multi-Cloud is a dynamic approach to cloud architecture.
2. Why do I choose Multi-Cloud?
More and more enterprises tend to move towards infrastructure based on micro-services which work serverless and utilizes containers leaving the old-fashioned virtualization behind. Multi-Cloud allows an organization to leverage different cloud services that only run when required. Clouds with the most suitable services for the application and customer requirements can be chosen and exploited. As on-premise datacenters become a thing of past, Multi-Cloud becomes more and more, a thing for today.
3. How does Multi-Cloud differ from Hybrid Cloud?
A Hybrid Cloud is a combination of public cloud, private cloud, and on-premises. It uses all three resources concurrently to support a single application. Multi-Cloud, on the other hand, assembles the best out of all the chosen public cloud vendors to support an application. Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Cloud are different solutions to different problems. Multi-Cloud includes Hybrid Cloud and other deployment options. An organization can use both Multi-Cloud as well as Hybrid Cloud approach for different applications simultaneously.
4. What are the benefits & pitfalls of a Multi-Cloud?
Advantages of Multi-Cloud:
- Better agility and responsiveness. Drives faster to market.
- Unlimited scalability virtually. Creates a rapid response to business requests.
- Each vendor’s unique services can be leveraged.
Disadvantages of Multi-Cloud:
- Management is tedious. Increased complexity.
- Chances of cost increment.
- Less secure when compared to other infrastructures.
5. How to migrate data to the cloud to reduce IT costs?
The two primary costs to consider while migrating workloads to the cloud are:
- The total cost of Ownership (TCO)
- Cost of Migration
In-Depth knowledge of TCO ensures that the most suitable resources are being moved to the cloud. Whereas thorough Migration Cost assessment establishes the complexity in the shift and creates a business case for budget approvals.
Read further: Top mistakes to avoid during Cloud Adoption