Home Opinions & Editorials Industry News Why some businesses hesitate to adopt VMware Cloud on AWS

Why some businesses hesitate to adopt VMware Cloud on AWS


A new survey by Faction, one of the leading managed service provider for VMware Cloud on AWS and a multi-cloud market leader, projected significant growth for VMware Cloud on AWS over the next two years, but a pivotal challenge to stand in its way is cost.

Dig-in what Faction study found out

As per the survey, 46% of 1,156 IT professionals say VMware Cloud on AWS is overpriced. The study indicates there`s the scope of improvement in evaluating the total cost of ownership (TCO). But still, it won`t be a stumbling block in the way of the significant growth expected over the next 12-24 months. 

“Scalability and cost optimization are some of the biggest drivers of VMware Cloud on AWS,” said Duan van der Westhuizen, vice president of Marketing at Faction.

Moreover, nearly 30 percent of those surveyed plan to add or increase their workload in the next year. Companies often include four areas of specialties: health, education, financial services, and technical services.

However, “These are customers who have a mandate to get out of their data centers. They need a quick way to do that without refactoring their applications; they want to use familiar tools and processes. They don’t want to buy new hardware; they want to capitalize on existing resources,” said Olinger, Global Alliance Lead for VMware Cloud on AWS at Amazon.

Further, Hybrid Cloud Platform celebrated its second anniversary at VMWorld 2019; where administrators divulged improvements to the migration workflow and HCX improvements. Over the past 12 months, VMware Cloud at AWS has tripled its customer base and increased 150% of its partner capabilities.

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