Cloud Management Insider

Wells Fargo Inks Deal With Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s GreenLake; Read Details

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) has just announced that Wells Fargo will start utilizing its GreenLake Cloud Services. The onboarding of Wells Fargo on the platform will serve as a major victory for HPE’s GreenLake service. HPE’s GreenLake provides a suite of curated solutions that give users capabilities to run public cloud or on-premise assets in a manner that cloud computing does. It also provides machine learning operations and easy rack-based server and storage administration.  

Wells Fargo has selected HPE to lay the foundation for its digital transformation and build a unified data repository. Greenfield will also collaborate with software provider Splunk for the project, which will witness Wells Fargo adopting Kubernetes and containers.  

Wells Fargo’s move of using GreenLake over public cloud services is supposed to bring costs savings to the financial services giant. Keith White, the head of GreenLake’s as-a-service division, stated, “they have to collect all this data, and they were trying to use the public cloud for that, the costs were pretty significant because of this data egress charge that the public cloud providers charge the customers to take data out. And so doing that on premise allows them to get that telemetry data, create that data repository and then do the analytics that they have to, from a regulatory and compliance standpoint, so that they can showcase all the data that gets requested from them.”  

HPE GreenLake delivers public cloud services and IaaS for enterprises’ workloads. The services delivered by HPE GreenLake are not limited to just public cloud as it also delivers fully-managed services for on premises environments in a pay-per-use model at the edge, colocations, or at data centers. 

GreenLake primarily delivers an aggregation of HPE services including HPE Financing, as a fully-managed service that is paid for on a consumption basis. HPE has been focusing on shifting to the as-a-service model since a long time, and the Wells Fargo deal shows the company is on a right track. HPE’s CFO, Tarek Robbiati, stated that the company’s as-a-service revenue is expected to climb to $2.1 billion in 2023, as compared to the $900 million today.